Looking Back

Looking Back

Now that the dust has settled on ArtPrize 2024, I’m reflecting back on the two-year+ journey of The Calder, from ideas of an interactive art project, to living with the finished painting. ArtPrize 2023 was, of course, where it all began. So many aspects of the...
It’s back! ArtPrize 2024

It’s back! ArtPrize 2024

After some weeks of consideration this spring, I decided to enter the painting again this year for ArtPrize 2024. This submission is in a new category this year. Last year it was a Time Based project and this year it’s a 2D project. Why enter a second year?...
Wrap Up

Wrap Up

Finally, the painting was done, but there was still one more week of ArtPrize. I made an effort of sitting out with the painting and chatting with curious people who passed by. Several expressed regret that they were unable to participate. Some were amazed at the...
Week Two

Week Two

Week two would end with the completion of the painting. Many people stopped by going into the second weekend too. We were thrilled to have members from Artists Creating Together (ACT) stop by one afternoon to paint.  My wife and I were able to stop by their facility...
Day Four – Sunday

Day Four – Sunday

Sunday shaped up to be a special day. Maya Schuhknecht, Miss Michigan, greeted participants and shared her enthusiasm for art. An artist herself, she brought smiles to many who were surprised to see her greeting people passing by. Maya has an engaging personality and...