by howdesign | Sep 19, 2023 | Journal
After a busy Friday, we knew Saturday would be busy. We were right! Thank goodness for our small army of volunteers who made the process seamless for participants and kept the wait times to a minimum. With our freshly cleaned brushes from the night before, filled...
by howdesign | Sep 18, 2023 | Journal
After a successful first evening, we had the process down with regard to handing out paint and getting a photo of each face. We’d gotten in the habit of washing the day’s used brushes in the evening but had enough initially to last for a full day (bin of...
by howdesign | Sep 17, 2023 | Journal
One of my first realizations after day one was the need to communicate clearer and quicker about the project. The first things I added were two small print-outs of what the final painting was going to look like. During the first day, I heard a few different people ask...
by howdesign | Sep 16, 2023 | Journal
Thursday evening (9/14): After we saw Dante paint his spot on the canvas, we saw a series of people walk by with varying looks on their faces. The area off the sidewalk that the canvas sat in was a bit hidden from south-bound foot traffic, so the canvas was a...
by howdesign | Sep 16, 2023 | Journal
Working with the paint part of the project was certain to take some thought and effort. From selecting the color swatches, determining how much paint would be needed, to transferring the paint into hundreds of small cups, it would be the last major effort before the...