There’s still time to fine tune the plans, but one thing is for sure. I’d like the painting to be completed by the end of the second weekend. The event starts the evening of Thursday, September 14 and will run until October 1. It includes three weekends and two work weeks (M-F). This completion goal should be quite possible since the foot traffic at ArtPrize will be the highest over the first two weekends.

The intentions are that there will be designated times for participants to paint. Volunteers will be at the ready to hand out the card, cup of paint and brush and assist at the canvas. Having specific times should allow people to plan their visit and shouldn’t result in long waits. Most painting will happen from Fridays – Sundays, with painting sessions staggered about every two hours. During each session, a specific number of people (likely 50) will be allowed to paint. No public painting will happen Monday – Thursday, except for the first evening, Thursday the 14th.

We’re still working out details but the goal is for everyone to have fun. If there’s a wait (which means people are interested in participating!), people can return after checking out other ArtPrize entries or enjoying themselves downtown. They can then return and take advantage of the next session. Easy peasy! Oh, and make sure to get your photo taken for the all-important Artist’s Mosaic!