After some weeks of consideration this spring, I decided to enter the painting again this year for ArtPrize 2024. This submission is in a new category this year. Last year it was a Time Based project and this year it’s a 2D project. Why enter a second year? Primarily it’s because it will give people a broader chance to see the finished canvas and learn about the unique project. It will also allow participants to see the final painting if they were unable to last year. Finally, it will allow for the possibility of someone to inquire about owning the painting. My goal for the final painting has always been for it to find a “good home”. One that allows the public to see the painting and learn about the community paint-by-number project. Perhaps a person or business will be interested in displaying the painting themselves. One thing is clear though from my participation last year: people enjoyed being a part of ArtPrize and participating themselves. In the few minutes they were able to pick a color and paint a section, they were able to add their contribution to the event. Hopefully more interactive and engaging projects will be available for ArtPrize visitors in the coming years. I have some early ideas myself for some potential projects that will allow the public to interact with the art. Stay tuned and look for The Calder at a venue in downtown Grand Rapids at ArtPrize 2024!